Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Birmingham Countercultural. A comment.

This site, whilst I ramble in my own way, aims to promote counterculture (as well as demote mainstream culture where I think it seems fitting. I will indeed do both!). So if there is anything countercultural happening in Birmingham and the surrounding areas, I am willing to promote! Whilst it does seem that I have pointed the finger at this point in time, I certainly don't want this blogsite to just be about pointing fingers and moaning per se. I am keen, for example, to champion bygone countercultural material as well as contemporary countercultural activity here in Birmingham and surrounding areas (is there an archive about past countercultural activity to date here in Birmingham?). I think there are some great things that have gone on here in Brum and I intend this blog to essentially be affirmative, allowing and adding to the city's development c/o debate/promotion/demotion. For this reason, for the blog to be an additional and alternative voice and perspective. Interestingly, not all my blogs are simply personally opinionated as such....I like to open a can of worms every now and then. It's good to see what's inside!


Unknown said...

Why are you anonymous and what do you hope to achieve by blogging a message like this?
Are there any other outlets you are promoting your thoughts or are you too afraid?

What is the aim of this blog and will it leave the web world ever?

Just asking



Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms B said...

Hi. Thankyou for your comment. Indeed, points were made, one that excited me personally about Birmingham countercultural history and archiving. I see no reason in adding thoughts about the blog of course. It is easy just to become a demoter!
It has been great to have had so many comments so quickly.

- Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms B

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, Mr/Ms B, the first poster chose not to leave their real name, despite challenging your anonymity. He/She also seems to have a problem with free speech. Sometimes I despair about the attitudes people seem to have, saying one thing and doing another - a very familiar approach in the arts 'scene' unfortunately.

Lee (Griffiths) - I have no fear of 'creative' numpties, they tend to be pussies! Fisticuffs anyone?